• #Kazakhstani Content 02 October 2024
    New TCO contracts: Localization of Production and Growth of Local Suppliers

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) has announced the results of a strategic tender for materials supply for servicing, maintenance and production operations including and supply of protective equipment. As a result of the tenders, seven long-term contracts were concluded including local companies that participated in last year's round table organized by TCO for potential suppliers.

  • #Social projects 26 September 2024
    The results of “Tandau” project: 44 entrepreneurs received financial support from TCO

    The results of “Tandau” pilot project implemented by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) within framework of Zhylyoi Development Program of Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) were summed up in Kulsary. The project provided the residents with unique opportunities to start and develop their own business through the issuance of loans.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 24 September 2024
    How TCO Develops its Kazakhstani Content in Maintenance

    Last Friday, the PetroMaintenance 2024 Forum on oil and gas industry maintenance took place in Atyrau, where Tengizchevroil (TCO) showcased its commitment to local content development in maintenance and shared its extensive experience in maintenance operations.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 13 September 2024
    TCO encourages Kazakhstani companies to participate in tenders

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) organized a forum for Kazakhstani companies specializing in engineering services to attract them to upcoming tenders. The event provided participants with an opportunity to learn scale of the upcoming projects, the requirements and a tender process, which will help them better prepare for participation in the tender and offer more competitive solutions.

  • #Production 03 September 2024
    TCO Successfully Completes 2024 Turnaround Maintenance at Tengiz Field

    Atyrau, Kazakhstan, September 3, 2024 – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) has safely completed within schedule and budget, its planned turnaround maintenance work on two of five production trains at the Complex Technological Lines (KTL) plant located at the Tengiz oil field in Kazakhstan. The 2024 KTL-1 turnaround achieved a 23% improvement in execution efficiency compared to the previous turnaround at KTL-1 in 2019.

  • #TCO 30 August 2024
    The President of Kazakhstan awarded TCO General Director with the 2nd degree Dostyk Order

    In Ak-Orda, at a solemn ceremony dedicated to the 125th Anniversary of Kazakhstan’s oil and gas industry, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK) awarded a number of employees of the industry. One of the awardees was Kevin Lyon, General Director of Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO).

  • #Career 26 August 2024
    Tengizchevroil Showcases Employee Development Achievements

    The PetroHR conference in Aktau brought together companies from the oil and gas sector and government agencies to discuss human resource development. Among the speakers was Kamshat Baizhanova, General Manager of Human Resources at Tengizchevroil (TCO). Notably, TCO served as a silver sponsor of the conference.

  • #Career 19 August 2024
    TCO encouraged contractors to promote personnel nationalization

    The “Roadmap on subsequent replacement of foreign employees through routine training of Kazakhstani specialists” was presented to contractors and subcontractors implementing their activities at Tengiz field. The working meeting was attended by representatives of Employment Coordination and Social Programs department of Atyrau Oblast, TCO and more than 100 private contracting companies.

  • #TCO 16 August 2024
    Tengizchevroil is recognized as the best large taxpayer in Kazakhstan

    “Tengizchevroil LLP” (TCO) has been awarded the title of "Best Taxpayer" of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK) for the third year in a row. Based on the results of 2023, the State Revenue Committee (SRC) of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan recognized TCO as the best in the nomination of "Large Taxpayer". This award confirms TCO's impeccable fulfillment of its tax obligations and its significant contribution to the country's economy.

  • #TCO 09 August 2024
    TCO’s contribution on the flood response measures was noted in Atyrau

    An award ceremony with the participation of Akim of Atyrau Oblast - Serik Shapkenov was held in Atyrau for citizens and companies who actively participated in flood prevention events. Among the awardees is Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO), which allocated 2 billion tenge to assist Kulsary residents impacted by the flood.

  • #HSE 06 August 2024
    How Tengizchevroil Takes Care of Workforce Safety

    Health, Safety and Environment is one of the core values of LLP “Tengizchevroil”. Company aims to be the safest, most efficient oil and gas enterprise that will continue to make the maximum contribution to the economy of Kazakhstan. For this purpose, the company has implemented the so-called CHESM Process (Contractor Health, Environment, Safety Management).

  • #Kazakhstani Content 26 July 2024
    Local business support: TCO simplifies the terms and conditions for contractors

    “Tengizchevroil” LLP (TCO) continues actively support and develop the local contractors by creating more accessible terms to participate in major contracts. Now Kazakhstani suppliers can utilize the guarantees issued by second-tier banks. Accordingly, TCO takes an important step towards Kazakhstani business fostering its growth and sustainability.

  • #TCO 16 July 2024
    Tengizchevroil concluded a memorandum of cooperation with 9 companies producing industrial goods

    Within the framework of the first forum of International Center for Development of Oil and Gas Machine Building (hereinafter – IMB Center), which was held in Atyrau between July 10-12, tripartite memorandums of cooperation were signed between LLP “Tengizchevroil” (TCO), IMB Center and 9 companies producing various types of industrial products.

  • #TCO 11 July 2024
    Tengizchevroil donated special equipment valued at 150 million tenge

    This year, Tengizchevroil (TCO) purchased and donated two units of special equipment to the city of Atyrau for a total amount of more than 150 million tenge. Last week, in front of the city akimat of Atyrau, a ceremony was held to donate a KO-530 sludge sucker.

  • #TCO 10 July 2024
    TCO participated in the IMBC Forum

    On July 10, Atyrau hosted the annual forum of the International Center for Machine Building Development, also known as the IMB Center. The event was attended by over 200 foreign and domestic producers, representatives of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the KAZENERGY Association, as well as three major oil and gas companies: Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO), North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC), and Karachaganak Petroleum Operating (KPO) B.V.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 15 May 2024
    Thirteen domestic manufacturers became new suppliers to TCO

    With a view to increasing the in-country value and the local content share in the major oil and gas projects of Kazakhstan, a number of commercial agreements have been signed in Astana by Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) with local enterprises. The event was participated by representatives of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK), the “International Centre for Development of Oil and Gas Machine Building” (IMBC) Association, as well as Mazhylys of the Parliament of the RoK deputies.

  • #TCO 30 April 2024
    TCO volunteers had provided humanitarian aid for Zhylyoi district during the flood

    As soon as the first evacuated residents of Kulsary, most of whom were women, the elderly, and children, arrived at rotational accommodation camps located near Tengiz field at 2 a.m. on April 6, Tengizchevroil (TCO) employees immediately mobilized a group of volunteers and began collecting humanitarian aid. So, by 10 a.m. on April 6, both TCO employees and employees of its business partners learned that humanitarian aid was being collected at TCO Headquarters for residents of Zhylyoi district.

  • #FGP-WPMP 25 April 2024
    TCO Starts Up WPMP Operations At Tengiz

    Atyrau, Kazakhstan, April 25, 2024 — Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) has safely started operations at its Wellhead Pressure Management Project (WPMP) at the Tengiz oil field, with the conversion of the first metering station to low pressure, and by bringing online the associated Pressure Boost Facility (PBF).

  • #TCO 06 April 2024
    TCO Allocates 2 Billion Tenge For Flood Response

    Atyrau, Kazakhstan – April 6, 2024 – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) stands united with the residents of Atyrau oblast and the people of Kazakhstan during this challenging time.

  • #TCO 06 April 2024
    How artificial intelligence is used in Tengizchevroil

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) continues to introduce new artificial intelligence tools that can effectively help address requests from company specialists. TCO experts spoke about this and how digitalization has become an important vector in the company’s development, during the 21st North Caspian Regional Exhibition “Atyrau Oil and Gas,” where the company is the main sponsor.

  • #TCO 23 February 2024
    Tengizchevroil Announces 2023 Business Performance Results

    Atyrau, Kazakhstan – February 23, 2024 – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) today, announced its business performance results for 2023, with crude oil production at 28.9 million metric tonnes (230.6 million barrels), while total air emissions intensity was reduced to the lowest rate since 2000. During last year, all of TCO’s dry gas sales were provided to the Kazakhstan domestic market and the company remained a consistent supplier of liquified petroleum gas to local residents and industry.

  • #Production 20 February 2024
    Tengizchevroil supports development of Kazakhstan’s Petrochemical Industry

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) participated in the 1st International PetroPolymers & PetroChemicals Forum, dedicated to petrochemical industry and polymer market of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK). The event, organized by the “Petrocouncil” Oil and Gas Council, was attended by representatives of more than 420 companies not only from Kazakhstan, but also from the CIS countries, as well as China and Turkey.

  • #TCO 05 February 2024
    How Occupational Safety drives Digital Transformation in TCO

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) took part in Digital Almaty Forum, which brought together not only Government officials of the SCO and EAEU countries, representatives of Governmental agencies and ministries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also large taxpayers of the country, leading experts and entrepreneurs to exchange experience and ideas aimed at shaping a new era of the digital industry in Kazakhstan.

  • #Social projects 26 January 2024
    Thirteen entrepreneurs received funding as part of Tengizchevroil’s (TCO) Zhylyoi Development Program

    The winners’ names of the first batch of the Tandau project, implemented by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) were announced in Kulsary city. This project, financed by TCO, was created to support the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Zhylyoi district within framework of the TCO’s Development Program in Zhylyoi district.

  • #TCO 22 December 2023
    The results of the Community Investment Program in Tengizchevroil

    An open final event was held in Atyrau, where the Partners of Tengizchevroil Community Investment Program (CIP), non-governmental organizations, spoke about the results of their work during 2023. It is worth noting that in 2023, the CIP budget was increased, which made it possible to implement 21 projects for a total amount of 2.5 million US dollars.

  • #Social projects 21 December 2023
    TCO donated a new hospital to the residents of Zhylyoi District

    A new hospital that was constructed by Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) within the framework of a voluntary social infrastructure program called “Egilik” has solemnly opened its doors in Kulsary, Zhylyoi district. This event was attended by Akims of Atyrau Oblast and Zhylyoi district, residents and activists, representatives of government agencies and private companies. The new 75-bed hospital became a vivid example of joint activities in the interests of local population’s health.

  • #Social projects 20 December 2023
    15 projects were implemented by non-governmental organizations in Zhylyoi district

    Results of Tengizchevroil Community Investments Program (CIP) in Zhylyoi district were presented by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to the Akimat, the community representatives and activists during the Town Hall meeting in Kulsary.

  • #Social projects 06 December 2023
    Tengizchevroil has built a 300-seats school within framework of Egilik Program

    The long–awaited opening of the new building of one of the oldest schools in the city - school #1 named after M. Zhumabayev took place in Atyrau. The school was built as part of TCO’s Egilik voluntary social infrastructure program that meets all the requirements of modern education.

  • #TCO 06 December 2023
    How TCO stimulates inclusive work environment

    Gender equality and empowerment of women working in oil and gas sector were discussed at the forum in honor of the 5th Anniversary of “Munaishi Kyz” women’s club at NC “EmbaMunaiGas” JSC. The event was attended by representatives of Tengizchevroil (TCO) and other oil companies, government agencies, public and activists of the feminist movement.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 29 November 2023
    TCO presented a new approach to working with contractors

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) held a forum for over 60 local companies specializing in maintenance and operations to provide them with detailed information about TCO’s technical requirements for tenders and its updated strategy for determining scope of works. Thus, TCO involves Kazakhstani companies in participating in procurement and guides them, providing recommendations on opportunities for further growth.

  • #TCO 21 November 2023
    The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK) recognizes TCO as the best taxpayer in Kazakhstan

    For the second year in a row, the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan recognized Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) as the best taxpayer in Kazakhstan in the "Subsoil User" category, for its impeccable fulfillment of tax obligations. In total, in different categories, were considered about 2,300,000 entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan, with emphasis placed not only on the amount of contribution but also on payment discipline, absence of complaints in fiscal monitoring, industry tax burden ratio, and other financial indicators. Additionally, the social projects undertaken by taxpayers and their role in providing employment opportunities for citizens in their respective regions were deemed significant factors in the evaluation.

  • #TCO 20 November 2023
    Tengizchevroil remains one of the main players supporting the development of local businesses

    The XI Annual Conference “Kazneftegazservice-2023” was held in Atyrau, where more than 150 Kazakhstani companies and oil and gas operators were in attendance, including Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO). TCO representatives shared the company’s Kazakhstani Content (KC) development activities, and shared information about Tandau project for entrepreneurs from Zhylyoi district.

  • #TCO 10 November 2023
    Tengizchevroil was recognized for its contribution to the socio-economic development of Atyrau oblast

    The day of social protection workers was celebrated at the Regional Philharmonic Hall named after. N. Zhanturin. Deputy Akim of Atyrau Oblast Zhassulan Bisembiev awarded a number of employees, individuals and companies, including Tengizchevroil (TCO), with letters of appreciation for their contribution to the socio-economic development of Atyrau oblast.

  • #TCO 03 November 2023
    Tengizchevroil recognized as the Employer of Choice in Kazakhstan for 2023

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) was recognized as the most attractive employer in Kazakhstan for the third year in a row. The rating was compiled by an independent company as part of a large-scale employer brand perception study "The Talentist. Employer brand perception" at the request of ANCOR.

  • #Career 30 October 2023
    The construction of a new plant in Tengiz enabled 36,500 Kazakhstanis to receive training in accordance with international standards

    The capital of Kazakhstan hosted the international conference “Labor Market in an Era of Change: Challenges, Innovations and Prospects.” The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tamara Duisenova, Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan Svetlana Zhakupova, representatives of Kazakh government agencies, NPP Atameken, Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan, as well as large domestic enterprises, including the largest taxpayer in Kazakhstan – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO).

  • #Ecology 09 October 2023
    Konilkosh Suyessinov: “Tengizchevroil remains a partner to the Republic of Kazakhstan in reducing carbon emissions”

    In Astana, at the Energy Dialogue session: Decarbonization vs hydrocarbons which was part of Kazakhstan Energy Week – 2023 / XV Eurasian Forum KAZENERGY, Tengizchevroil (TCO) presented to the global oil and gas community, its plans and actions to support the transition to a lower-carbon economy.

  • #TCO 05 October 2023
    Tengizchevroil participated in Kazakhstan Energy Week – 2023

    The XV KAZENERGY Eurasian Forum / Kazakhstan Energy Week – 2023, the largest event in the energy and oil and gas sector, took place in Astana. The forum is designed to ensure an effective

  • #Production 25 September 2023
    Tengizchevroil took part in the 24th World Petroleum Congress in Calgary

    Recently, the picturesque city of Calgary, Canada, was the location of the 24th World Petroleum Congress (WPC) which was attended by senior government

  • #Production 19 September 2023
    TCO Safely Completes 2023 Turnaround Ahead of Schedule

    Atyrau, Kazakhstan – September 19, 2023 – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) has successfully completed one of the most complex...

  • #TCO 16 August 2023
    Tengizchevroil company was awarded for its contribution to the development of infrastructure in Atyrau oblast

    On the eve of the Builder's Day, a solemn event was held at ...

  • #TCO 27 July 2023
    Dear residents of Zhylyoi District!

    We invite you to participate in Tengizchevroil LLP's (herein...

  • #Kazakhstani Content 19 July 2023
    How Tengizchevroil works with Kazakhstani companies

    A hero of this interview is Konilkosh Suyessinov, Tengizchev...

  • #Production 01 July 2023
    Tengizchevroil and KMG PetroChem Signed Heads Of Agreement On “Gas Separation Complex” Project

    On June 1, 2023, Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) and KMG PetroChem ...

  • #Career 22 June 2023
    Over 95% of Tengizchevroil employees are Kazakhstani citizens

    On June 16, Tengizchevroil (TCO) participated in PetroHR-202...

  • #TCO 26 May 2023
    The competition of the oblast akyns took place in Kulsary

    On May 20, a competition (Aitys) of akyns (poets) from the O...

  • #TCO 07 April 2023
    RoK minister of energy and Tengizchevroil shareholders congratulated the employees on occasion of 30th anniversary

    On the 30th Anniversary of signing of Tengizchevroil establi...

  • #Kazakhstani Content 06 April 2023
    Tengizchevroil Presented a New Program of the development of local content in Kazakhstan

    The 20th "Atyrau Oil and Gas" North Caspian Regional Exhibit...

  • #TCO 05 April 2023
    Tengizchevroil marks 30 Years of Performance in Kazakhstan

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) marks 30 years of successful perfor...

  • #Kazakhstani Content 01 March 2023
    Tengizchevroil keeps searching for Kazakhstani suppliers

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) conducted a roundtable with more th...

  • #TCO 21 February 2023
    Tengizchevroil Announces 2022 Performance

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) today announced a strong set of bus...

  • #Social projects 02 February 2023
    Atyrau Oblast Rehabilitation Center has been upgraded with new equipment

    Tengizchevroil donated equipment to Atyrau Oblast Rehabilita...

  • #Social projects 21 December 2022
    NGOs reported on the 2022 accomplishments in Zhylyoi region

    On December 21, non-governmental organizations spoke in fron...

  • #TCO 15 December 2022
    Tengizchevroil recognized as the best taxpayer in Kazakhstan

    On the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakh...

  • #TCO 09 December 2022
    The special “Paryz” prize was awarded to Tengizchevroil

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) was the winner of a special award “Pary...

  • #Career 27 October 2022
    Оil and gas companies drive diversity and inclusion principles across the energy industry in kazakhstan

    October 27, 2022, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil (TCO) and North Ca...

  • #Career 04 October 2022
    30% of middle managers at Tengizchevroil are women

    On the sidelines of the World Petroleum Council Youth Forum ...

  • #TCO 28 September 2022
    Tengizchevroil participated in KIOGE-2022

    The 28th International Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference...

  • #Social projects 26 September 2022
    A 3,000-seat central stadium was opened in Kulsary

    A new central stadium for 3,000 seats was opened in honor of...

  • #Ecology 20 September 2022
    Tengizchevroil improves waste management system at Tengiz field

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) recently held a Waste Management Forum ...

  • #Ecology 02 September 2022
    Tengizchevroil helps save the Caspian seal

    On September 1, 2022, a new expedition within the Caspian Se...

  • #Ecology 24 August 2022
    TCO – relentless in improving emissions performance

    Protecting people and the environment remains TCO’s number o...

  • #FGP-WPMP 15 August 2022
    Minister of energy undertakes visit to Tengiz field

    As part of his working trip to the Atyrau Region, the Republ...

  • #Kazakhstani Content 02 August 2022
    The Head of KMG visited the Third Generation Plant at Tengiz

    Magzum Myrzagaliyev, the Chairman of the Management Board of...

  • #FGP-WPMP 20 July 2022
    T. Duissenova, S. Shapkenov and K. Lyon signed FGP-WPMP demobilization Roadmap

    As part of a working trip to Atyrau oblast, Tamara Duyssenov...

  • #TCO 20 July 2022
    To all World Wide Web Users

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) is aware of false information dissemina...

  • #Career 14 July 2022
    Kamshat Baizhanova: be competitive not inside, but outside the company

    Building values and an open corporate environment in whic...

  • #TCO 09 June 2022
    Tengizchevroil is exploring domestic IT companies’ capabilities

    "Digital Tengizchevroil-2022" Forum was held in Almaty. The ...

  • #FGP-WPMP 03 June 2022
    TCO’s FGP-WPMP Achieves Another Major Milestone

    June 3, 2022, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil’s (TCO) Future Growth ...

  • #Ecology 26 May 2022
    Tengizchevroil showcases technical leadership at International Geological Forum

    During the "Carbonate Basins of Kazakhstan and Adjacent Area...

  • #TCO 19 May 2022
    Tengizchevroil Announces Upcoming Changes To Leadership Team

    ATYRAU, May 19, 2022 – Tengizchevroil (TCO) announced today ...

  • #Production 18 May 2022
    Tengizchevroil creates conditions for import substitution

    Within the framework of the "Oil and Gas Machinery Building ...

  • #Social projects 13 April 2022
    Tengizchevroil to continue to work with Kulsary residents to support local community needs

    Kevin Lyon, General Director of Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO), an...

  • #Ecology 01 March 2022
    Ministry of Ecology: I believe that perfection knows no limits

    Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Re...

  • #TCO 23 February 2022
    Tengizchevroil Announces 2021 Results

    February 23, 2022, ALMATY – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) today a...

  • #Social projects 24 December 2021
    14 social projects have been completed with financial support of TCO in 2021

    December 24, 2021, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) summed ...

  • #Social projects 15 December 2021
    A new kindergarten for 280 places has been opened in Atyrau

    A new kindergarten for 280 places has been built within the ...

  • #Production 09 December 2021
    TCO Reaches 500 Million Tonnes Production Milestone

    December 9, 2021, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil (TCO) has reached ...

  • #TCO 08 December 2021
    Kevin Lyon represented TCO in the Kazakhstan Ministerial Session at the 23rd World Petroleum Congress

    The Kazakhstan Ministerial Session organized by the Ministry...

  • #Economy 25 November 2021
    Kazakhstan resource centers received a guidebook for monitoring NGOs’ effectiveness

    On November 25, 2021 the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia ...

  • #Career 09 November 2021
    The Number Of Female Leaders At TCO Has Grown To 21%

    Within the framework of the V Women's Energy Club Forum that...

  • #Production 04 November 2021
    TCO’s FGP-WPMP Expansion Project Delivers Early Oil Production

    November 4th, 2021, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil’s (TCO) Future G...

  • #TCO 28 October 2021
    TCO presented to Kassym-Jomart Tokayev its digitalization achievements

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) General Director Kevin Lyon present...

  • #Production 15 October 2021
    Minister of Energy Magzum Mirzagaliyev visited the Tengiz field

    During a business trip to Atyrau Oblast, Minister of Energy Magzum Mirzagaliyev reviewed the progress of Tengizchevroil’s (TCO) Future Growth Project-Wellhead Pressure Management Project (FGP-WPMP) in Tengiz.

  • #TCO 07 October 2021
    Tengizchevroil participates the 27th international exhibition KIOGE

    TCO Kazakhstani Content Development Department within KIOGE exhibition framework, told local entrepreneurs how to become a TCO supplier. He recommend to start from expressing an interest to become a TCO supplier by registering company account in TCO supplier database The constant development of Kazakhstan market of goods and services meeting high international standards is a cornerstone of TCO’s continuous development strategy and creates significant values for Kazakhstan. TCO is constantly looking for opportunities to further strengthen partnerships with suppliers and producers from all regions of Kazakhstan.

  • #TCO 27 September 2021
    TCO Completes Turnaround Ahead Of Schedule Despite Pandemic

    September 27th, 2021, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) is pleased to announce that despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, the company has completed its maintenance turnaround at its oil facility in Tengiz, four days ahead of schedule, and production has safely resumed.

  • #Production 10 September 2021
    KMG and TCO agreed to supply propane to the first gas chemical complex in Kazakhstan

    The Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Oil Refining and Petrochemistry of JSC NC KazMunayGas-Chairman of the Management Board of KPI Inc. LLP Daniyar Tiessov and Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) General Director Kevin Lyon signed a contract on the supply of propane from the Tengiz field to the polypropylene production plant in Karabatan. The Chairman of the Management Board of JSC “NC“ KazMunayGas” (KMG) Alik Aidarbayev and Managing Director of the Eurasian Business Unit of Chevron Corporation, John Baltz attended the signing ceremony.

  • #Production 07 September 2021
    Kalybek Mukhanov: "The decisions we make impact the future of Kazakhstan"

    Kalybek Mukhanov could work for a large oil company abroad but preferred to stay in Kazakhstan and become one of the leaders of the oil and gas industry in his country - Tengizchevroil LLP. He worked his way up from an employee of Financial Department to General Manager of Strategic Planning. He believes that in order to reach one’s goals, you need to work hard, constantly learn and be ready for new professional opportunities.

  • #TCO 05 September 2021
    Happy Oilman’s Day!

    Dear oil workers! On behalf of TCO staff, we sincerely congratulate you on Oilman’s Day. This is a special day for the men and women who have dedicated their lives to one of the most important industries in Kazakhstan. On this day, we pay tribute to the industry veterans for their relentless work in growing the country's economy through development of the giant Tengiz field which has a history of more than a century in the Kazakhstan oil industry.

  • #Social projects 03 September 2021
    A school with 580 places has been put into operation in Kulsary

    A new school for 580 children in Kulsary city, Zhylyoi district of Atyrau Oblast, has opened its doors. Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO), through its voluntary social infrastructure program “Egilik, funded the construction and donated the new school to Kulsary residents on the occasion of Knowledge Day.

  • #TCO 01 July 2021
    Future of Tengiz

    TCO Future Growth Project - Wellhead Pressure Management Project is the next expansion of the Tengiz oilfield. This is a project of national significance which will bring great benefits to Kazakhstan. It is expected that FGP-WPMP will increase oil production by about 12 million tons per year making the total TCO crude production to about 39 million tons per year.

  • #TCO 29 June 2021

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) together with regional mass media and the branch of The Union of Kazakhstani Journalists held the traditional annual Journalist Contest, now in its 10th year. The work of these regional “Wordsmiths” were assessed in 9 nomination categories. 23 journalists took part in the contest including 11 representatives from print media, 8 TV journalists, 1 photo-reporter and 3 camera operators. The jury consisted of the most experienced and qualified journalists in Atyrau Oblast. It took them a week to thoroughly review and analyze the presented contest materials.

  • #TCO 24 June 2021
    Digitalization Accelerates at TCO

    Over the past year, the global oil and gas industry has managed through a challenging period of external events, including pandemic response, a collapse in commodity markets and OPEC+ production constraint. Operators and investors in Kazakhstan have had to rapidly adjust changing business conditions and, at Tengizchevroil (TCO), digital transformation has enabled the company to be agile and innovative in our efforts to advance change across the business, help turn challenges into opportunities and enable TCO to continue delivering on its commitments to the Republic of Kazakhstan and our shareholders.

  • #Ecology 14 June 2021
    Water reuse turns wastewater into a resource

    The magic of water recycling: how Tengizchevroil turn wastewater into a resource Kazakhstan is the heart of the Eurasian continent and this location creates a winning diplomatic and trading position, but also has its downsides. For example, the country does not have its own water resources, since all of the mare transboundary.

  • #Production 04 June 2021
    Sulfur granulation plant has been commissioned at Tengiz

    June 4d, 2021, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil (TCO) has commissioned a new sulfur granulation plant at Tengiz which will enable TCO to process almost all liquid sulfur produced at the facility, which will improve environmental safety and mitigate operational risks. The new sulfur production plant, which has a monthly production capacity of 40,000 tonnes of sulfur will enable TCO to maintain sulfur production rates when other units are not operational.

  • #Career 06 May 2021
    TCO is the employer of choice in Kazakhstan

    A survey conducted by Randstad Employer Brand Research in 34 countries around the world identifies the most attractive industries and employers. TCO was named the most attractive employer in Kazakhstan for the second year in a row. In addition to TCO, top 3 companies in Oil & Gas industry included “KazMunayGas” NC and “Karachaganak Petroleum Operating” BV.

  • #TCO 01 April 2021
    Tengizchevroil published its 2019 and 2020 Corporate Responsibility Report

    April 1, 2021, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) has unveiled its corporate responsibility report for the period 2019-2020. The report gives a comprehensive overview of TCO's social and environmental performance and despite the challenges posed by the current global pandemic, TCO’s priorities remained focused on protecting its workforce and the environment, supporting the communities where it operates and getting results the right way.

  • #TCO 23 February 2021
    Tengizchevroil announces 2020 year-end results

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) announced today its business performance results for 2020. Throughout 2020, TCO maintained a high focus on health and safety to protect its people and the business. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and challenging oil market conditions, production remained uninterrupted and strong safety and environmental performance was observed across the business.

  • #TCO 19 February 2021
    Tengizchevroil Social Investments: 2020 Year-End Results

    Tengizchevroil’s (TCO) main purpose is to create value for the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK), communities where it operates and its shareholders. As the leading producer, taxpayer and employer in Kazakhstan, the company continues to make a major contribution to the economy of the region and the country.

  • #TCO 22 December 2020
    Tengizchevroil Announces New General Director

    ATYRAU, December 22, 2020 – Tengizchevroil (TCO) officially announced today upcoming changes to the company’s leadership team. Effective February 1, 2021, Kevin Lyon has been appointed as TCO General Director. Kevin will succeed Eimear Bonner, who has served as General Director since 2018 and, previously, as TCO General Manager of Operations.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 18 December 2020
    TCO focuses on Kazakhstani suppliers

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) is well regarded as a reliable partner through its significant social and economic contribution in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Integral to TCO’s achievements, are its efforts and focus on supporting local suppliers, through the provision of necessary information about company’s operations and technical needs through the official website. Last year, a procurement plan for 2020 was published, and today we are pleased to provide an update on our procurement activities and needs for 2021.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 19 November 2020
    For the first time in Kazakhstan, entrepreneurs were trained in how to create equal opportunities for women and men within companies

    The representatives of small and medium-sized businesses are participating in an online training program called: “Improving the competitiveness of suppliers through broadening economic rights and opportunities for women”. The course was conducted as part of a joint program between TCO and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, to support and develop local suppliers. Promoting diversity and inclusion and creating equal opportunities for both women and men improves the competitiveness of domestic companies and helps them meet international standards.

  • #Production 06 November 2020
    Tengizchevroil’s FGP-WPMP completes its next major milestone

    The Future Growth Project-Wellhead Pressure Management Project’s (FGP-WPMP) last Pre-Assembled Unit was safely delivered to the Tengiz field in Kazakhstan on October 28, 2020.

  • #Social projects 28 February 2020
    TENGIZCHEVROIL reported of 2019 Community Investment Program results

    Tengizchevroil LLP took stock of the 2019 CIP results in Atyrau. The event with the participation of community members, local authorities and employees was held in TCO HQ in Atyrau. Participants were welcomed by Eimear Bonner, TCO General Director.

  • #Social projects 19 February 2020
    Non-governmental organizations of Mangystau Oblast reported the results of activities for 2019

    Seven non-governmental organizations in Mangystau Oblast implemented 9 social projects in 2019 with financial support from Tengizchevroil. Civil activists talked about these and the planned activities for 2020 during the Town Hall in Aktau.

  • #TCO 17 February 2020
    TCO announced its’ 2019 year-end results

    TENGIZCHEVROIL sets a record high in purchases of Kazakhstani goods and services.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 12 February 2020
    TCO hosts a forum for training service providers

    The purpose of the forum is to identify market capabilities and potential suppliers of training services.

  • #Social projects 04 December 2019
    Two social infrastructure facilities launched in Zhylyoi district

    Tengizchevroil LLP, as part of its “Egilik” voluntary social infrastructure program, commissioned two social infrastructure facilities in Zhylyoi district.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 28 November 2019
    TENGIZCHEVROIL and EBRD shared success of the joint program

    November 28, 2019, NUR-SULTAN – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) conducted a business workshop for representatives of Small & Medium Enterprises (SME) to discuss urgent issues related to Kazakh Content development in oil and gas industry.

  • #Social projects 31 October 2019
    TCO donated ambulance to Zhylyoi District Hospital

    Recently, TCO Policy, Government and Public Affairs General Manager Rzabek Artygaliyev donated an ambulance to the central hospital of Zhylyoi district during a ceremony. At the donation ceremony which was attended by the hospital staff and local people, Akim of Zhylyoi district Azamat Beket on behalf of the public has expressed his sincere gratitude to the whole TCO team.

  • #Social projects 16 October 2019
    Tengizchevroil LLP donated a robotics room to a village school in Mangystau Oblast

    A robotics and 3D modeling room was opened at the secondary school No. 1 in Kuryk village, Mangystau Oblast under the sponsorship of Tengizchevroil LLP.

  • #TCO 04 October 2019
    Catering, Facility Management and Transportation Forum was hosted in Nur-Sultan city

    Approximately 40 companies participated in the Forum that had objectives to study and discuss opportunities of the domestic services market in catering, facility management and transportation. The Forum was hosted by Tengizchevroil LLP.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 20 September 2019
    Tengizchevroil announces a series of initiatives to support localization and technology transfer

    At a round table on the localization of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in Atyrau, Eimear Bonner, the General Director of Tengizchevroil (TCO), announced a series of localization initiatives related to goods and technology transfer in Kazakhstan. According to Bonner, TCO recently signed joint agreements with major suppliers to localize production of international brands of valves and their after-sales service in Kazakhstan. In addition, two new training and development centers will soon open in Kazakhstan. The agreements were signed as part of TCO’s long-term contracting strategy to develop Kazakhstani content.

  • #Production 18 September 2019
    FGP-WPMP Information Sessions in Atyrau and Mangistau Oblasts

    Tengizchevroil LLP Invites Atyrau and Mangystau Oblasts Community to Future Growth Project - Wellhead Pressure Management Project Information Sessions.

  • #Production 02 September 2019
    Kazakh oil companies to sponsor competition of young talents “Jas-tolqyn”

    “Jas-tolqyn” is a charity project organized among young gifted children living in Atyrau, Aktobe, Mangystau and West Kazakhstan Oblasts. Organizers and sponsors of the competition said a few words about the progress of its implementation, as well as its conditions and tasks at the press conference in Atyrau on September 2.

  • #Social projects 01 September 2019
    A new school launches in Atyrau to house 624 students

    In the eve of another school year Atyrau celebrates a launch of new school that is able to host 624 students. This is the first secondary education facility ever for city’s fast-growing and highly populated Zhuldyz district. Construction of the facility was funded by TENGIZCHEVROIL’s Egilik social infrastructures program.

  • #Social projects 28 August 2019
    Tengizchevroil donates music equipment to Atyrau Kazakh Blind Society

    August 28, 2019, Atyrau – TENGIZCHEVROIL donates modern musical equipment worth of over 2 million KZT to Atyrau Kazakh Blind Society.

  • #Production 19 August 2019
    Mission established: Identify and Localize

    Recently, Kazakhstan started manufacturing internationally-recognized escape hood respirators under a licensing agreement with AVON Protection (UK). The licensee is a 100% Kazakhstani company called “QHSE-Akbarys” LLP, a supplier of personal and mass protective equipment for oil & gas operations.

  • #TCO 01 July 2019
    Tengizchevroil Update on June 29 Situation at Tengiz

    1 July 2019, Atyrau – On June 29, an interpersonal conflict took place among workers at the 3GP construction site causing several injuries of contractor employees. TCO treated more than 40 workers for non-life-threatening injuries.

  • #TCO 30 June 2019
    Additional information on situation in Tengiz as of June 30

    On June 29, an interpersonal conflict took place among workers at the 3GP construction site causing several injuries of contractor employees. Medical assistance was provided to more than 40 workers at TCO clinics for non-life threatening injuries.

  • #TCO 29 June 2019
    Media release

    On 29th June an interpersonal conflict among workers took place at the 3GP construction site causing several injuries of CCEP contractor employees.

  • #TCO 29 June 2019
    Additional information on situation in Tengiz

    On 29th June an interpersonal conflict among workers took place at the 3GP construction site causing several injuries of contractor employees.

  • #TCO 26 June 2019
    Public Hearings Announcement

    Tengizchevroil LLP announces holding of Public Hearing arranged to review Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) materials related to the project “Future Growth Project – Wellhead Pressure Management Project (FGP-WPMP). Correction” to be held in the form of open meeting at the Renaissance Hotel, Atyrau, at 15:00 on July 24, 2019.

  • #Production 12 June 2019
    Crushed sulphur in big bags or how a company from Aktobe helps with transportation of Tengiz sulphur

    Every day, railcars loaded with crushed and granulated sulphur depart from Tengiz in various directions. Transportation of such products with sales volumes exceeding 2.4 million tons per year is not an easy thing to do. Sulphur, among others, as bulk material subject to oxidation in a humid environment and sensitive to UV and static electricity, tends to smolder and smoke. The solution to its safe transportation was found in the use of railcar liners.

  • #TCO 04 June 2019
    Atyrau city hosts Annual Chess Tournament for children

    On June 1-2, Atyrau hosted the 7th chess tournament dedicated to the International Children's Day, which was attended by students of city and oblast schools aged 5 – 16 years. The tournament, organized by Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO), is held annually, on the eve of summer school holidays. This year, the tournament was also dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Kazakhstan oil.

  • #TCO 04 June 2019
    Digitalization in TCO Forum was hosted in Nur-Sultan

    May 23rd, NUR-SULTAN - Over 80 representatives of local IT companies and industry experts participated in the “Digitalization in TCO” Forum on May 23 hosted by Tengizchevroil. The main objective of oil companies is to identify local suppliers of goods and services for potential cooperation in the provision of information technology services. A platform of technological startups, Astana Hub, was chosen as the venue of the event.

  • #Social projects 24 May 2019
    Two community centers commissioned in Atyrau Oblast

    May 23, 2019 – Inder District, Atyrau Oblast. The Construction of two community centers has been completed and commissioned in Atyrau Oblast, as part of the voluntary Egilik social infrastructure program implemented by Tengizchevroil LLP.

  • #TCO 14 August 2018
    "TCO's Moments in History" photo exhibition announcement

    Dear residents and guests of Atyrau city, We would like to invite you to a photo exhibition “TCO’s Moments in History” dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Tengizchevroil. The event will take place in central hall of Sariyev Museum of Fine and Applied Arts of Atyrau Oblast.

  • #Social projects 20 July 2018
    Two kindergartens opened in Kulsary

    Two new pre-schools appeared in Atyrau Oblast recently to serve the children of Kulsary in Zhylyoi District. Both kindergartens were funded by the Egilik Voluntary Social Infrastructure Program and were commissioned this July.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 13 September 2024
    TCO encourages Kazakhstani companies to participate in tenders

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) organized a forum for Kazakhstani companies specializing in engineering services to attract them to upcoming tenders. The event provided participants with an opportunity to learn scale of the upcoming projects, the requirements and a tender process, which will help them better prepare for participation in the tender and offer more competitive solutions.

  • #Production 03 September 2024
    TCO Successfully Completes 2024 Turnaround Maintenance at Tengiz Field

    Atyrau, Kazakhstan, September 3, 2024 – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) has safely completed within schedule and budget, its planned turnaround maintenance work on two of five production trains at the Complex Technological Lines (KTL) plant located at the Tengiz oil field in Kazakhstan. The 2024 KTL-1 turnaround achieved a 23% improvement in execution efficiency compared to the previous turnaround at KTL-1 in 2019.

  • #TCO 30 August 2024
    The President of Kazakhstan awarded TCO General Director with the 2nd degree Dostyk Order

    In Ak-Orda, at a solemn ceremony dedicated to the 125th Anniversary of Kazakhstan’s oil and gas industry, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK) awarded a number of employees of the industry. One of the awardees was Kevin Lyon, General Director of Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO).

  • #Career 26 August 2024
    Tengizchevroil Showcases Employee Development Achievements

    The PetroHR conference in Aktau brought together companies from the oil and gas sector and government agencies to discuss human resource development. Among the speakers was Kamshat Baizhanova, General Manager of Human Resources at Tengizchevroil (TCO). Notably, TCO served as a silver sponsor of the conference.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 02 October 2024
    New TCO contracts: Localization of Production and Growth of Local Suppliers

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) has announced the results of a strategic tender for materials supply for servicing, maintenance and production operations including and supply of protective equipment. As a result of the tenders, seven long-term contracts were concluded including local companies that participated in last year's round table organized by TCO for potential suppliers.

  • #Social projects 26 September 2024
    The results of “Tandau” project: 44 entrepreneurs received financial support from TCO

    The results of “Tandau” pilot project implemented by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) within framework of Zhylyoi Development Program of Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) were summed up in Kulsary. The project provided the residents with unique opportunities to start and develop their own business through the issuance of loans.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 24 September 2024
    How TCO Develops its Kazakhstani Content in Maintenance

    Last Friday, the PetroMaintenance 2024 Forum on oil and gas industry maintenance took place in Atyrau, where Tengizchevroil (TCO) showcased its commitment to local content development in maintenance and shared its extensive experience in maintenance operations.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 02 October 2024
    New TCO contracts: Localization of Production and Growth of Local Suppliers

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) has announced the results of a strategic tender for materials supply for servicing, maintenance and production operations including and supply of protective equipment. As a result of the tenders, seven long-term contracts were concluded including local companies that participated in last year's round table organized by TCO for potential suppliers.

  • #Social projects 26 September 2024
    The results of “Tandau” project: 44 entrepreneurs received financial support from TCO

    The results of “Tandau” pilot project implemented by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) within framework of Zhylyoi Development Program of Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) were summed up in Kulsary. The project provided the residents with unique opportunities to start and develop their own business through the issuance of loans.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 24 September 2024
    How TCO Develops its Kazakhstani Content in Maintenance

    Last Friday, the PetroMaintenance 2024 Forum on oil and gas industry maintenance took place in Atyrau, where Tengizchevroil (TCO) showcased its commitment to local content development in maintenance and shared its extensive experience in maintenance operations.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 13 September 2024
    TCO encourages Kazakhstani companies to participate in tenders

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) organized a forum for Kazakhstani companies specializing in engineering services to attract them to upcoming tenders. The event provided participants with an opportunity to learn scale of the upcoming projects, the requirements and a tender process, which will help them better prepare for participation in the tender and offer more competitive solutions.

  • #Production 03 September 2024
    TCO Successfully Completes 2024 Turnaround Maintenance at Tengiz Field

    Atyrau, Kazakhstan, September 3, 2024 – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) has safely completed within schedule and budget, its planned turnaround maintenance work on two of five production trains at the Complex Technological Lines (KTL) plant located at the Tengiz oil field in Kazakhstan. The 2024 KTL-1 turnaround achieved a 23% improvement in execution efficiency compared to the previous turnaround at KTL-1 in 2019.

  • #TCO 30 August 2024
    The President of Kazakhstan awarded TCO General Director with the 2nd degree Dostyk Order

    In Ak-Orda, at a solemn ceremony dedicated to the 125th Anniversary of Kazakhstan’s oil and gas industry, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK) awarded a number of employees of the industry. One of the awardees was Kevin Lyon, General Director of Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO).

  • #Career 26 August 2024
    Tengizchevroil Showcases Employee Development Achievements

    The PetroHR conference in Aktau brought together companies from the oil and gas sector and government agencies to discuss human resource development. Among the speakers was Kamshat Baizhanova, General Manager of Human Resources at Tengizchevroil (TCO). Notably, TCO served as a silver sponsor of the conference.

  • #Career 19 August 2024
    TCO encouraged contractors to promote personnel nationalization

    The “Roadmap on subsequent replacement of foreign employees through routine training of Kazakhstani specialists” was presented to contractors and subcontractors implementing their activities at Tengiz field. The working meeting was attended by representatives of Employment Coordination and Social Programs department of Atyrau Oblast, TCO and more than 100 private contracting companies.

  • #TCO 16 August 2024
    Tengizchevroil is recognized as the best large taxpayer in Kazakhstan

    “Tengizchevroil LLP” (TCO) has been awarded the title of "Best Taxpayer" of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK) for the third year in a row. Based on the results of 2023, the State Revenue Committee (SRC) of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan recognized TCO as the best in the nomination of "Large Taxpayer". This award confirms TCO's impeccable fulfillment of its tax obligations and its significant contribution to the country's economy.

  • #TCO 09 August 2024
    TCO’s contribution on the flood response measures was noted in Atyrau

    An award ceremony with the participation of Akim of Atyrau Oblast - Serik Shapkenov was held in Atyrau for citizens and companies who actively participated in flood prevention events. Among the awardees is Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO), which allocated 2 billion tenge to assist Kulsary residents impacted by the flood.

  • #HSE 06 August 2024
    How Tengizchevroil Takes Care of Workforce Safety

    Health, Safety and Environment is one of the core values of LLP “Tengizchevroil”. Company aims to be the safest, most efficient oil and gas enterprise that will continue to make the maximum contribution to the economy of Kazakhstan. For this purpose, the company has implemented the so-called CHESM Process (Contractor Health, Environment, Safety Management).

  • #Kazakhstani Content 26 July 2024
    Local business support: TCO simplifies the terms and conditions for contractors

    “Tengizchevroil” LLP (TCO) continues actively support and develop the local contractors by creating more accessible terms to participate in major contracts. Now Kazakhstani suppliers can utilize the guarantees issued by second-tier banks. Accordingly, TCO takes an important step towards Kazakhstani business fostering its growth and sustainability.

  • #TCO 16 July 2024
    Tengizchevroil concluded a memorandum of cooperation with 9 companies producing industrial goods

    Within the framework of the first forum of International Center for Development of Oil and Gas Machine Building (hereinafter – IMB Center), which was held in Atyrau between July 10-12, tripartite memorandums of cooperation were signed between LLP “Tengizchevroil” (TCO), IMB Center and 9 companies producing various types of industrial products.

  • #TCO 11 July 2024
    Tengizchevroil donated special equipment valued at 150 million tenge

    This year, Tengizchevroil (TCO) purchased and donated two units of special equipment to the city of Atyrau for a total amount of more than 150 million tenge. Last week, in front of the city akimat of Atyrau, a ceremony was held to donate a KO-530 sludge sucker.

  • #TCO 10 July 2024
    TCO participated in the IMBC Forum

    On July 10, Atyrau hosted the annual forum of the International Center for Machine Building Development, also known as the IMB Center. The event was attended by over 200 foreign and domestic producers, representatives of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the KAZENERGY Association, as well as three major oil and gas companies: Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO), North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC), and Karachaganak Petroleum Operating (KPO) B.V.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 15 May 2024
    Thirteen domestic manufacturers became new suppliers to TCO

    With a view to increasing the in-country value and the local content share in the major oil and gas projects of Kazakhstan, a number of commercial agreements have been signed in Astana by Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) with local enterprises. The event was participated by representatives of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK), the “International Centre for Development of Oil and Gas Machine Building” (IMBC) Association, as well as Mazhylys of the Parliament of the RoK deputies.

  • #TCO 30 April 2024
    TCO volunteers had provided humanitarian aid for Zhylyoi district during the flood

    As soon as the first evacuated residents of Kulsary, most of whom were women, the elderly, and children, arrived at rotational accommodation camps located near Tengiz field at 2 a.m. on April 6, Tengizchevroil (TCO) employees immediately mobilized a group of volunteers and began collecting humanitarian aid. So, by 10 a.m. on April 6, both TCO employees and employees of its business partners learned that humanitarian aid was being collected at TCO Headquarters for residents of Zhylyoi district.

  • #FGP-WPMP 25 April 2024
    TCO Starts Up WPMP Operations At Tengiz

    Atyrau, Kazakhstan, April 25, 2024 — Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) has safely started operations at its Wellhead Pressure Management Project (WPMP) at the Tengiz oil field, with the conversion of the first metering station to low pressure, and by bringing online the associated Pressure Boost Facility (PBF).

  • #TCO 06 April 2024
    TCO Allocates 2 Billion Tenge For Flood Response

    Atyrau, Kazakhstan – April 6, 2024 – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) stands united with the residents of Atyrau oblast and the people of Kazakhstan during this challenging time.

  • #TCO 06 April 2024
    How artificial intelligence is used in Tengizchevroil

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) continues to introduce new artificial intelligence tools that can effectively help address requests from company specialists. TCO experts spoke about this and how digitalization has become an important vector in the company’s development, during the 21st North Caspian Regional Exhibition “Atyrau Oil and Gas,” where the company is the main sponsor.

  • #TCO 23 February 2024
    Tengizchevroil Announces 2023 Business Performance Results

    Atyrau, Kazakhstan – February 23, 2024 – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) today, announced its business performance results for 2023, with crude oil production at 28.9 million metric tonnes (230.6 million barrels), while total air emissions intensity was reduced to the lowest rate since 2000. During last year, all of TCO’s dry gas sales were provided to the Kazakhstan domestic market and the company remained a consistent supplier of liquified petroleum gas to local residents and industry.

  • #Production 20 February 2024
    Tengizchevroil supports development of Kazakhstan’s Petrochemical Industry

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) participated in the 1st International PetroPolymers & PetroChemicals Forum, dedicated to petrochemical industry and polymer market of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK). The event, organized by the “Petrocouncil” Oil and Gas Council, was attended by representatives of more than 420 companies not only from Kazakhstan, but also from the CIS countries, as well as China and Turkey.

  • #TCO 05 February 2024
    How Occupational Safety drives Digital Transformation in TCO

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) took part in Digital Almaty Forum, which brought together not only Government officials of the SCO and EAEU countries, representatives of Governmental agencies and ministries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also large taxpayers of the country, leading experts and entrepreneurs to exchange experience and ideas aimed at shaping a new era of the digital industry in Kazakhstan.

  • #Social projects 26 January 2024
    Thirteen entrepreneurs received funding as part of Tengizchevroil’s (TCO) Zhylyoi Development Program

    The winners’ names of the first batch of the Tandau project, implemented by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) were announced in Kulsary city. This project, financed by TCO, was created to support the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Zhylyoi district within framework of the TCO’s Development Program in Zhylyoi district.

  • #TCO 22 December 2023
    The results of the Community Investment Program in Tengizchevroil

    An open final event was held in Atyrau, where the Partners of Tengizchevroil Community Investment Program (CIP), non-governmental organizations, spoke about the results of their work during 2023. It is worth noting that in 2023, the CIP budget was increased, which made it possible to implement 21 projects for a total amount of 2.5 million US dollars.

  • #Social projects 21 December 2023
    TCO donated a new hospital to the residents of Zhylyoi District

    A new hospital that was constructed by Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) within the framework of a voluntary social infrastructure program called “Egilik” has solemnly opened its doors in Kulsary, Zhylyoi district. This event was attended by Akims of Atyrau Oblast and Zhylyoi district, residents and activists, representatives of government agencies and private companies. The new 75-bed hospital became a vivid example of joint activities in the interests of local population’s health.

  • #Social projects 20 December 2023
    15 projects were implemented by non-governmental organizations in Zhylyoi district

    Results of Tengizchevroil Community Investments Program (CIP) in Zhylyoi district were presented by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to the Akimat, the community representatives and activists during the Town Hall meeting in Kulsary.

  • #Social projects 06 December 2023
    Tengizchevroil has built a 300-seats school within framework of Egilik Program

    The long–awaited opening of the new building of one of the oldest schools in the city - school #1 named after M. Zhumabayev took place in Atyrau. The school was built as part of TCO’s Egilik voluntary social infrastructure program that meets all the requirements of modern education.

  • #TCO 06 December 2023
    How TCO stimulates inclusive work environment

    Gender equality and empowerment of women working in oil and gas sector were discussed at the forum in honor of the 5th Anniversary of “Munaishi Kyz” women’s club at NC “EmbaMunaiGas” JSC. The event was attended by representatives of Tengizchevroil (TCO) and other oil companies, government agencies, public and activists of the feminist movement.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 29 November 2023
    TCO presented a new approach to working with contractors

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) held a forum for over 60 local companies specializing in maintenance and operations to provide them with detailed information about TCO’s technical requirements for tenders and its updated strategy for determining scope of works. Thus, TCO involves Kazakhstani companies in participating in procurement and guides them, providing recommendations on opportunities for further growth.

  • #TCO 21 November 2023
    The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK) recognizes TCO as the best taxpayer in Kazakhstan

    For the second year in a row, the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan recognized Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) as the best taxpayer in Kazakhstan in the "Subsoil User" category, for its impeccable fulfillment of tax obligations. In total, in different categories, were considered about 2,300,000 entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan, with emphasis placed not only on the amount of contribution but also on payment discipline, absence of complaints in fiscal monitoring, industry tax burden ratio, and other financial indicators. Additionally, the social projects undertaken by taxpayers and their role in providing employment opportunities for citizens in their respective regions were deemed significant factors in the evaluation.

  • #TCO 20 November 2023
    Tengizchevroil remains one of the main players supporting the development of local businesses

    The XI Annual Conference “Kazneftegazservice-2023” was held in Atyrau, where more than 150 Kazakhstani companies and oil and gas operators were in attendance, including Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO). TCO representatives shared the company’s Kazakhstani Content (KC) development activities, and shared information about Tandau project for entrepreneurs from Zhylyoi district.

  • #TCO 10 November 2023
    Tengizchevroil was recognized for its contribution to the socio-economic development of Atyrau oblast

    The day of social protection workers was celebrated at the Regional Philharmonic Hall named after. N. Zhanturin. Deputy Akim of Atyrau Oblast Zhassulan Bisembiev awarded a number of employees, individuals and companies, including Tengizchevroil (TCO), with letters of appreciation for their contribution to the socio-economic development of Atyrau oblast.

  • #TCO 03 November 2023
    Tengizchevroil recognized as the Employer of Choice in Kazakhstan for 2023

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) was recognized as the most attractive employer in Kazakhstan for the third year in a row. The rating was compiled by an independent company as part of a large-scale employer brand perception study "The Talentist. Employer brand perception" at the request of ANCOR.

  • #Career 30 October 2023
    The construction of a new plant in Tengiz enabled 36,500 Kazakhstanis to receive training in accordance with international standards

    The capital of Kazakhstan hosted the international conference “Labor Market in an Era of Change: Challenges, Innovations and Prospects.” The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tamara Duisenova, Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan Svetlana Zhakupova, representatives of Kazakh government agencies, NPP Atameken, Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan, as well as large domestic enterprises, including the largest taxpayer in Kazakhstan – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO).

  • #Ecology 09 October 2023
    Konilkosh Suyessinov: “Tengizchevroil remains a partner to the Republic of Kazakhstan in reducing carbon emissions”

    In Astana, at the Energy Dialogue session: Decarbonization vs hydrocarbons which was part of Kazakhstan Energy Week – 2023 / XV Eurasian Forum KAZENERGY, Tengizchevroil (TCO) presented to the global oil and gas community, its plans and actions to support the transition to a lower-carbon economy.

  • #TCO 05 October 2023
    Tengizchevroil participated in Kazakhstan Energy Week – 2023

    The XV KAZENERGY Eurasian Forum / Kazakhstan Energy Week – 2023, the largest event in the energy and oil and gas sector, took place in Astana. The forum is designed to ensure an effective

  • #Production 25 September 2023
    Tengizchevroil took part in the 24th World Petroleum Congress in Calgary

    Recently, the picturesque city of Calgary, Canada, was the location of the 24th World Petroleum Congress (WPC) which was attended by senior government

  • #Production 19 September 2023
    TCO Safely Completes 2023 Turnaround Ahead of Schedule

    Atyrau, Kazakhstan – September 19, 2023 – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) has successfully completed one of the most complex...

  • #TCO 16 August 2023
    Tengizchevroil company was awarded for its contribution to the development of infrastructure in Atyrau oblast

    On the eve of the Builder's Day, a solemn event was held at ...

  • #TCO 27 July 2023
    Dear residents of Zhylyoi District!

    We invite you to participate in Tengizchevroil LLP's (herein...

  • #Kazakhstani Content 19 July 2023
    How Tengizchevroil works with Kazakhstani companies

    A hero of this interview is Konilkosh Suyessinov, Tengizchev...

  • #Production 01 July 2023
    Tengizchevroil and KMG PetroChem Signed Heads Of Agreement On “Gas Separation Complex” Project

    On June 1, 2023, Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) and KMG PetroChem ...

  • #Career 22 June 2023
    Over 95% of Tengizchevroil employees are Kazakhstani citizens

    On June 16, Tengizchevroil (TCO) participated in PetroHR-202...

  • #TCO 26 May 2023
    The competition of the oblast akyns took place in Kulsary

    On May 20, a competition (Aitys) of akyns (poets) from the O...

  • #TCO 07 April 2023
    RoK minister of energy and Tengizchevroil shareholders congratulated the employees on occasion of 30th anniversary

    On the 30th Anniversary of signing of Tengizchevroil establi...

  • #Kazakhstani Content 06 April 2023
    Tengizchevroil Presented a New Program of the development of local content in Kazakhstan

    The 20th "Atyrau Oil and Gas" North Caspian Regional Exhibit...

  • #TCO 05 April 2023
    Tengizchevroil marks 30 Years of Performance in Kazakhstan

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) marks 30 years of successful perfor...

  • #Kazakhstani Content 01 March 2023
    Tengizchevroil keeps searching for Kazakhstani suppliers

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) conducted a roundtable with more th...

  • #TCO 21 February 2023
    Tengizchevroil Announces 2022 Performance

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) today announced a strong set of bus...

  • #Social projects 02 February 2023
    Atyrau Oblast Rehabilitation Center has been upgraded with new equipment

    Tengizchevroil donated equipment to Atyrau Oblast Rehabilita...

  • #Social projects 21 December 2022
    NGOs reported on the 2022 accomplishments in Zhylyoi region

    On December 21, non-governmental organizations spoke in fron...

  • #TCO 15 December 2022
    Tengizchevroil recognized as the best taxpayer in Kazakhstan

    On the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakh...

  • #TCO 09 December 2022
    The special “Paryz” prize was awarded to Tengizchevroil

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) was the winner of a special award “Pary...

  • #Career 27 October 2022
    Оil and gas companies drive diversity and inclusion principles across the energy industry in kazakhstan

    October 27, 2022, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil (TCO) and North Ca...

  • #Career 04 October 2022
    30% of middle managers at Tengizchevroil are women

    On the sidelines of the World Petroleum Council Youth Forum ...

  • #TCO 28 September 2022
    Tengizchevroil participated in KIOGE-2022

    The 28th International Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference...

  • #Social projects 26 September 2022
    A 3,000-seat central stadium was opened in Kulsary

    A new central stadium for 3,000 seats was opened in honor of...

  • #Ecology 20 September 2022
    Tengizchevroil improves waste management system at Tengiz field

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) recently held a Waste Management Forum ...

  • #Ecology 02 September 2022
    Tengizchevroil helps save the Caspian seal

    On September 1, 2022, a new expedition within the Caspian Se...

  • #Ecology 24 August 2022
    TCO – relentless in improving emissions performance

    Protecting people and the environment remains TCO’s number o...

  • #FGP-WPMP 15 August 2022
    Minister of energy undertakes visit to Tengiz field

    As part of his working trip to the Atyrau Region, the Republ...

  • #Kazakhstani Content 02 August 2022
    The Head of KMG visited the Third Generation Plant at Tengiz

    Magzum Myrzagaliyev, the Chairman of the Management Board of...

  • #FGP-WPMP 20 July 2022
    T. Duissenova, S. Shapkenov and K. Lyon signed FGP-WPMP demobilization Roadmap

    As part of a working trip to Atyrau oblast, Tamara Duyssenov...

  • #TCO 20 July 2022
    To all World Wide Web Users

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) is aware of false information dissemina...

  • #Career 14 July 2022
    Kamshat Baizhanova: be competitive not inside, but outside the company

    Building values and an open corporate environment in whic...

  • #TCO 09 June 2022
    Tengizchevroil is exploring domestic IT companies’ capabilities

    "Digital Tengizchevroil-2022" Forum was held in Almaty. The ...

  • #FGP-WPMP 03 June 2022
    TCO’s FGP-WPMP Achieves Another Major Milestone

    June 3, 2022, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil’s (TCO) Future Growth ...

  • #Ecology 26 May 2022
    Tengizchevroil showcases technical leadership at International Geological Forum

    During the "Carbonate Basins of Kazakhstan and Adjacent Area...

  • #TCO 19 May 2022
    Tengizchevroil Announces Upcoming Changes To Leadership Team

    ATYRAU, May 19, 2022 – Tengizchevroil (TCO) announced today ...

  • #Production 18 May 2022
    Tengizchevroil creates conditions for import substitution

    Within the framework of the "Oil and Gas Machinery Building ...

  • #Social projects 13 April 2022
    Tengizchevroil to continue to work with Kulsary residents to support local community needs

    Kevin Lyon, General Director of Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO), an...

  • #Ecology 01 March 2022
    Ministry of Ecology: I believe that perfection knows no limits

    Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Re...

  • #TCO 23 February 2022
    Tengizchevroil Announces 2021 Results

    February 23, 2022, ALMATY – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) today a...

  • #Social projects 24 December 2021
    14 social projects have been completed with financial support of TCO in 2021

    December 24, 2021, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) summed ...

  • #Social projects 15 December 2021
    A new kindergarten for 280 places has been opened in Atyrau

    A new kindergarten for 280 places has been built within the ...

  • #Production 09 December 2021
    TCO Reaches 500 Million Tonnes Production Milestone

    December 9, 2021, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil (TCO) has reached ...

  • #TCO 08 December 2021
    Kevin Lyon represented TCO in the Kazakhstan Ministerial Session at the 23rd World Petroleum Congress

    The Kazakhstan Ministerial Session organized by the Ministry...

  • #Economy 25 November 2021
    Kazakhstan resource centers received a guidebook for monitoring NGOs’ effectiveness

    On November 25, 2021 the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia ...

  • #Career 09 November 2021
    The Number Of Female Leaders At TCO Has Grown To 21%

    Within the framework of the V Women's Energy Club Forum that...

  • #Production 04 November 2021
    TCO’s FGP-WPMP Expansion Project Delivers Early Oil Production

    November 4th, 2021, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil’s (TCO) Future G...

  • #TCO 28 October 2021
    TCO presented to Kassym-Jomart Tokayev its digitalization achievements

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) General Director Kevin Lyon present...

  • #Production 15 October 2021
    Minister of Energy Magzum Mirzagaliyev visited the Tengiz field

    During a business trip to Atyrau Oblast, Minister of Energy Magzum Mirzagaliyev reviewed the progress of Tengizchevroil’s (TCO) Future Growth Project-Wellhead Pressure Management Project (FGP-WPMP) in Tengiz.

  • #TCO 07 October 2021
    Tengizchevroil participates the 27th international exhibition KIOGE

    TCO Kazakhstani Content Development Department within KIOGE exhibition framework, told local entrepreneurs how to become a TCO supplier. He recommend to start from expressing an interest to become a TCO supplier by registering company account in TCO supplier database The constant development of Kazakhstan market of goods and services meeting high international standards is a cornerstone of TCO’s continuous development strategy and creates significant values for Kazakhstan. TCO is constantly looking for opportunities to further strengthen partnerships with suppliers and producers from all regions of Kazakhstan.

  • #TCO 27 September 2021
    TCO Completes Turnaround Ahead Of Schedule Despite Pandemic

    September 27th, 2021, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) is pleased to announce that despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, the company has completed its maintenance turnaround at its oil facility in Tengiz, four days ahead of schedule, and production has safely resumed.

  • #Production 10 September 2021
    KMG and TCO agreed to supply propane to the first gas chemical complex in Kazakhstan

    The Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Oil Refining and Petrochemistry of JSC NC KazMunayGas-Chairman of the Management Board of KPI Inc. LLP Daniyar Tiessov and Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) General Director Kevin Lyon signed a contract on the supply of propane from the Tengiz field to the polypropylene production plant in Karabatan. The Chairman of the Management Board of JSC “NC“ KazMunayGas” (KMG) Alik Aidarbayev and Managing Director of the Eurasian Business Unit of Chevron Corporation, John Baltz attended the signing ceremony.

  • #Production 07 September 2021
    Kalybek Mukhanov: "The decisions we make impact the future of Kazakhstan"

    Kalybek Mukhanov could work for a large oil company abroad but preferred to stay in Kazakhstan and become one of the leaders of the oil and gas industry in his country - Tengizchevroil LLP. He worked his way up from an employee of Financial Department to General Manager of Strategic Planning. He believes that in order to reach one’s goals, you need to work hard, constantly learn and be ready for new professional opportunities.

  • #TCO 05 September 2021
    Happy Oilman’s Day!

    Dear oil workers! On behalf of TCO staff, we sincerely congratulate you on Oilman’s Day. This is a special day for the men and women who have dedicated their lives to one of the most important industries in Kazakhstan. On this day, we pay tribute to the industry veterans for their relentless work in growing the country's economy through development of the giant Tengiz field which has a history of more than a century in the Kazakhstan oil industry.

  • #Social projects 03 September 2021
    A school with 580 places has been put into operation in Kulsary

    A new school for 580 children in Kulsary city, Zhylyoi district of Atyrau Oblast, has opened its doors. Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO), through its voluntary social infrastructure program “Egilik, funded the construction and donated the new school to Kulsary residents on the occasion of Knowledge Day.

  • #TCO 01 July 2021
    Future of Tengiz

    TCO Future Growth Project - Wellhead Pressure Management Project is the next expansion of the Tengiz oilfield. This is a project of national significance which will bring great benefits to Kazakhstan. It is expected that FGP-WPMP will increase oil production by about 12 million tons per year making the total TCO crude production to about 39 million tons per year.

  • #TCO 29 June 2021

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) together with regional mass media and the branch of The Union of Kazakhstani Journalists held the traditional annual Journalist Contest, now in its 10th year. The work of these regional “Wordsmiths” were assessed in 9 nomination categories. 23 journalists took part in the contest including 11 representatives from print media, 8 TV journalists, 1 photo-reporter and 3 camera operators. The jury consisted of the most experienced and qualified journalists in Atyrau Oblast. It took them a week to thoroughly review and analyze the presented contest materials.

  • #TCO 24 June 2021
    Digitalization Accelerates at TCO

    Over the past year, the global oil and gas industry has managed through a challenging period of external events, including pandemic response, a collapse in commodity markets and OPEC+ production constraint. Operators and investors in Kazakhstan have had to rapidly adjust changing business conditions and, at Tengizchevroil (TCO), digital transformation has enabled the company to be agile and innovative in our efforts to advance change across the business, help turn challenges into opportunities and enable TCO to continue delivering on its commitments to the Republic of Kazakhstan and our shareholders.

  • #Ecology 14 June 2021
    Water reuse turns wastewater into a resource

    The magic of water recycling: how Tengizchevroil turn wastewater into a resource Kazakhstan is the heart of the Eurasian continent and this location creates a winning diplomatic and trading position, but also has its downsides. For example, the country does not have its own water resources, since all of the mare transboundary.

  • #Production 04 June 2021
    Sulfur granulation plant has been commissioned at Tengiz

    June 4d, 2021, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil (TCO) has commissioned a new sulfur granulation plant at Tengiz which will enable TCO to process almost all liquid sulfur produced at the facility, which will improve environmental safety and mitigate operational risks. The new sulfur production plant, which has a monthly production capacity of 40,000 tonnes of sulfur will enable TCO to maintain sulfur production rates when other units are not operational.

  • #Career 06 May 2021
    TCO is the employer of choice in Kazakhstan

    A survey conducted by Randstad Employer Brand Research in 34 countries around the world identifies the most attractive industries and employers. TCO was named the most attractive employer in Kazakhstan for the second year in a row. In addition to TCO, top 3 companies in Oil & Gas industry included “KazMunayGas” NC and “Karachaganak Petroleum Operating” BV.

  • #TCO 01 April 2021
    Tengizchevroil published its 2019 and 2020 Corporate Responsibility Report

    April 1, 2021, ATYRAU – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) has unveiled its corporate responsibility report for the period 2019-2020. The report gives a comprehensive overview of TCO's social and environmental performance and despite the challenges posed by the current global pandemic, TCO’s priorities remained focused on protecting its workforce and the environment, supporting the communities where it operates and getting results the right way.

  • #TCO 23 February 2021
    Tengizchevroil announces 2020 year-end results

    Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) announced today its business performance results for 2020. Throughout 2020, TCO maintained a high focus on health and safety to protect its people and the business. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and challenging oil market conditions, production remained uninterrupted and strong safety and environmental performance was observed across the business.

  • #TCO 19 February 2021
    Tengizchevroil Social Investments: 2020 Year-End Results

    Tengizchevroil’s (TCO) main purpose is to create value for the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK), communities where it operates and its shareholders. As the leading producer, taxpayer and employer in Kazakhstan, the company continues to make a major contribution to the economy of the region and the country.

  • #TCO 22 December 2020
    Tengizchevroil Announces New General Director

    ATYRAU, December 22, 2020 – Tengizchevroil (TCO) officially announced today upcoming changes to the company’s leadership team. Effective February 1, 2021, Kevin Lyon has been appointed as TCO General Director. Kevin will succeed Eimear Bonner, who has served as General Director since 2018 and, previously, as TCO General Manager of Operations.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 18 December 2020
    TCO focuses on Kazakhstani suppliers

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) is well regarded as a reliable partner through its significant social and economic contribution in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Integral to TCO’s achievements, are its efforts and focus on supporting local suppliers, through the provision of necessary information about company’s operations and technical needs through the official website. Last year, a procurement plan for 2020 was published, and today we are pleased to provide an update on our procurement activities and needs for 2021.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 19 November 2020
    For the first time in Kazakhstan, entrepreneurs were trained in how to create equal opportunities for women and men within companies

    The representatives of small and medium-sized businesses are participating in an online training program called: “Improving the competitiveness of suppliers through broadening economic rights and opportunities for women”. The course was conducted as part of a joint program between TCO and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, to support and develop local suppliers. Promoting diversity and inclusion and creating equal opportunities for both women and men improves the competitiveness of domestic companies and helps them meet international standards.

  • #Production 06 November 2020
    Tengizchevroil’s FGP-WPMP completes its next major milestone

    The Future Growth Project-Wellhead Pressure Management Project’s (FGP-WPMP) last Pre-Assembled Unit was safely delivered to the Tengiz field in Kazakhstan on October 28, 2020.

  • #Social projects 28 February 2020
    TENGIZCHEVROIL reported of 2019 Community Investment Program results

    Tengizchevroil LLP took stock of the 2019 CIP results in Atyrau. The event with the participation of community members, local authorities and employees was held in TCO HQ in Atyrau. Participants were welcomed by Eimear Bonner, TCO General Director.

  • #Social projects 19 February 2020
    Non-governmental organizations of Mangystau Oblast reported the results of activities for 2019

    Seven non-governmental organizations in Mangystau Oblast implemented 9 social projects in 2019 with financial support from Tengizchevroil. Civil activists talked about these and the planned activities for 2020 during the Town Hall in Aktau.

  • #TCO 17 February 2020
    TCO announced its’ 2019 year-end results

    TENGIZCHEVROIL sets a record high in purchases of Kazakhstani goods and services.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 12 February 2020
    TCO hosts a forum for training service providers

    The purpose of the forum is to identify market capabilities and potential suppliers of training services.

  • #Social projects 04 December 2019
    Two social infrastructure facilities launched in Zhylyoi district

    Tengizchevroil LLP, as part of its “Egilik” voluntary social infrastructure program, commissioned two social infrastructure facilities in Zhylyoi district.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 28 November 2019
    TENGIZCHEVROIL and EBRD shared success of the joint program

    November 28, 2019, NUR-SULTAN – Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) conducted a business workshop for representatives of Small & Medium Enterprises (SME) to discuss urgent issues related to Kazakh Content development in oil and gas industry.

  • #Social projects 31 October 2019
    TCO donated ambulance to Zhylyoi District Hospital

    Recently, TCO Policy, Government and Public Affairs General Manager Rzabek Artygaliyev donated an ambulance to the central hospital of Zhylyoi district during a ceremony. At the donation ceremony which was attended by the hospital staff and local people, Akim of Zhylyoi district Azamat Beket on behalf of the public has expressed his sincere gratitude to the whole TCO team.

  • #Social projects 16 October 2019
    Tengizchevroil LLP donated a robotics room to a village school in Mangystau Oblast

    A robotics and 3D modeling room was opened at the secondary school No. 1 in Kuryk village, Mangystau Oblast under the sponsorship of Tengizchevroil LLP.

  • #TCO 04 October 2019
    Catering, Facility Management and Transportation Forum was hosted in Nur-Sultan city

    Approximately 40 companies participated in the Forum that had objectives to study and discuss opportunities of the domestic services market in catering, facility management and transportation. The Forum was hosted by Tengizchevroil LLP.

  • #Kazakhstani Content 20 September 2019
    Tengizchevroil announces a series of initiatives to support localization and technology transfer

    At a round table on the localization of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in Atyrau, Eimear Bonner, the General Director of Tengizchevroil (TCO), announced a series of localization initiatives related to goods and technology transfer in Kazakhstan. According to Bonner, TCO recently signed joint agreements with major suppliers to localize production of international brands of valves and their after-sales service in Kazakhstan. In addition, two new training and development centers will soon open in Kazakhstan. The agreements were signed as part of TCO’s long-term contracting strategy to develop Kazakhstani content.

  • #Production 18 September 2019
    FGP-WPMP Information Sessions in Atyrau and Mangistau Oblasts

    Tengizchevroil LLP Invites Atyrau and Mangystau Oblasts Community to Future Growth Project - Wellhead Pressure Management Project Information Sessions.

  • #Production 02 September 2019
    Kazakh oil companies to sponsor competition of young talents “Jas-tolqyn”

    “Jas-tolqyn” is a charity project organized among young gifted children living in Atyrau, Aktobe, Mangystau and West Kazakhstan Oblasts. Organizers and sponsors of the competition said a few words about the progress of its implementation, as well as its conditions and tasks at the press conference in Atyrau on September 2.

  • #Social projects 01 September 2019
    A new school launches in Atyrau to house 624 students

    In the eve of another school year Atyrau celebrates a launch of new school that is able to host 624 students. This is the first secondary education facility ever for city’s fast-growing and highly populated Zhuldyz district. Construction of the facility was funded by TENGIZCHEVROIL’s Egilik social infrastructures program.

  • #Social projects 28 August 2019
    Tengizchevroil donates music equipment to Atyrau Kazakh Blind Society

    August 28, 2019, Atyrau – TENGIZCHEVROIL donates modern musical equipment worth of over 2 million KZT to Atyrau Kazakh Blind Society.

  • #Production 19 August 2019
    Mission established: Identify and Localize

    Recently, Kazakhstan started manufacturing internationally-recognized escape hood respirators under a licensing agreement with AVON Protection (UK). The licensee is a 100% Kazakhstani company called “QHSE-Akbarys” LLP, a supplier of personal and mass protective equipment for oil & gas operations.

  • #TCO 01 July 2019
    Tengizchevroil Update on June 29 Situation at Tengiz

    1 July 2019, Atyrau – On June 29, an interpersonal conflict took place among workers at the 3GP construction site causing several injuries of contractor employees. TCO treated more than 40 workers for non-life-threatening injuries.

  • #TCO 30 June 2019
    Additional information on situation in Tengiz as of June 30

    On June 29, an interpersonal conflict took place among workers at the 3GP construction site causing several injuries of contractor employees. Medical assistance was provided to more than 40 workers at TCO clinics for non-life threatening injuries.

  • #TCO 29 June 2019
    Media release

    On 29th June an interpersonal conflict among workers took place at the 3GP construction site causing several injuries of CCEP contractor employees.

  • #TCO 29 June 2019
    Additional information on situation in Tengiz

    On 29th June an interpersonal conflict among workers took place at the 3GP construction site causing several injuries of contractor employees.

  • #TCO 26 June 2019
    Public Hearings Announcement

    Tengizchevroil LLP announces holding of Public Hearing arranged to review Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) materials related to the project “Future Growth Project – Wellhead Pressure Management Project (FGP-WPMP). Correction” to be held in the form of open meeting at the Renaissance Hotel, Atyrau, at 15:00 on July 24, 2019.

  • #Production 12 June 2019
    Crushed sulphur in big bags or how a company from Aktobe helps with transportation of Tengiz sulphur

    Every day, railcars loaded with crushed and granulated sulphur depart from Tengiz in various directions. Transportation of such products with sales volumes exceeding 2.4 million tons per year is not an easy thing to do. Sulphur, among others, as bulk material subject to oxidation in a humid environment and sensitive to UV and static electricity, tends to smolder and smoke. The solution to its safe transportation was found in the use of railcar liners.

  • #TCO 04 June 2019
    Atyrau city hosts Annual Chess Tournament for children

    On June 1-2, Atyrau hosted the 7th chess tournament dedicated to the International Children's Day, which was attended by students of city and oblast schools aged 5 – 16 years. The tournament, organized by Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO), is held annually, on the eve of summer school holidays. This year, the tournament was also dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Kazakhstan oil.

  • #TCO 04 June 2019
    Digitalization in TCO Forum was hosted in Nur-Sultan

    May 23rd, NUR-SULTAN - Over 80 representatives of local IT companies and industry experts participated in the “Digitalization in TCO” Forum on May 23 hosted by Tengizchevroil. The main objective of oil companies is to identify local suppliers of goods and services for potential cooperation in the provision of information technology services. A platform of technological startups, Astana Hub, was chosen as the venue of the event.

  • #Social projects 24 May 2019
    Two community centers commissioned in Atyrau Oblast

    May 23, 2019 – Inder District, Atyrau Oblast. The Construction of two community centers has been completed and commissioned in Atyrau Oblast, as part of the voluntary Egilik social infrastructure program implemented by Tengizchevroil LLP.

  • #TCO 14 August 2018
    "TCO's Moments in History" photo exhibition announcement

    Dear residents and guests of Atyrau city, We would like to invite you to a photo exhibition “TCO’s Moments in History” dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Tengizchevroil. The event will take place in central hall of Sariyev Museum of Fine and Applied Arts of Atyrau Oblast.

  • #Social projects 20 July 2018
    Two kindergartens opened in Kulsary

    Two new pre-schools appeared in Atyrau Oblast recently to serve the children of Kulsary in Zhylyoi District. Both kindergartens were funded by the Egilik Voluntary Social Infrastructure Program and were commissioned this July.