No offers are made by TCO outside of formal contractual relationships. Please be aware of false commercial offers and contracts disseminated on the internet, where individuals may pose as company officials or falsely claim to represent the company.

Contact Us

Tengizchevroil Headquarters

  • Republic of Kazakhstan
    060011 Atyrau, 3 Satpayev Street

  • +7 712 227 1212
    +7 712 302 6000

  • +7 712 302 6752


Tengizchevroil-Headquarters1 / 6

Nur-Sultan Representative Office

  • Republic of Kazakhstan
    010000 Nur-Sultan, 16 Dostyk Str.
    Business Center "Talan Towers", 13th floor

  • +7 7172 620333

  • +7 7172 620336

Nur-Sultan-Representative-Office2 / 6

Employment Opportunities

You can search and apply for available positions by clicking link below

Open Jobs

For technical support please contact us via

Employment-Opportunities3 / 6

Media Inquiries

Media-Inquiries4 / 6

Future Growth Project - Wellhead Pressure Management Project

Future Growth Project team appreciates your feedback. Please, send us your questions or comments at

FGP-WPMP Website
Tengizchevroil-Headquarters5 / 6

Potential Vendors

Please use Supplier Expression of Interest Page to learn how to become supplier

Supplier Expression of Interest

potential-vendors6 / 6

TCO Hotline

If you are aware, or suspect, that one of our employees, suppliers, contractors or agents violate the law or company policies, affect the vital interests of the company, or threaten the security of its employees and contractors, we ask that you use the TCO Hotline –, or by calling:

TCO does not tolerate any form of retaliation for reports made in good faith.

Kazakh Language:
7-7122-27-26-76 8-7122-27-26-76
Russian Language:
English Language:

Examples of violations that should be reported:

  • Behavior that does not comply with the principles of the document 'The Way of TCO', cases of theft and fraud
  • Harassment/Discrimination
  • Drugs, Alcohol or Weapons on Company Property
  • Unauthorized sharing of Company Sensitive Information
  • Manipulation of Accounting Internal Controls resulting in Financial Misstatement
  • Theft

As defined in TCO Fraud Policy #53:

  • Fraud by Abuse of Position
  • Fraud by Failure to Disclose
  • Fraud by Misrepresentation
  • Fraud can be in relation to but is not limited to:
    • Procurement & Contracting, Hiring, Travel & Hospitality and Sales Price Manipulation, Accounting Fraud
    • Undisclosed conflicts of interest, including outside business interests
    • The manipulation of TCO processes and controls
  • Antiboycott Laws
  • Anticorruption or Bribery Law
  • Competition Laws
  • Data Privacy Law
  • Environmental Laws
  • Health and Safety Laws
  • Import/Export/Trade Laws
  • Improper Lobbying Activities and Political Contributions Laws
  • Other suspected criminal acts

Feedback Management Process

All other concerns, suggestions or observations may be delivered through Feedback Management Process.


Feedback Management Process

The Feedback Management Process is a quick, easy and confidential process for the community to communicate with Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) on company operations issues and receive a timely response. TCO is committed to building productive, collaborative and beneficial relationships with government, businesses, and local communities. Fundamental to this commitment is open dialog between TCO and the communities. TCO’s Feedback Process provides a reliable way to present a concern, suggestion or grievance to the company and then receive a response. The Feedback Management Process is a quick, easy and confidential process for the community to communicate with Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) on company operations issues and receive a timely response. TCO is committed to building productive, collaborative and beneficial relationships with government, businesses, and local communities. Fundamental to this commitment is open dialog between TCO and the communities. TCO’s Feedback Process provides a reliable way to present a concern, suggestion or grievance to the company and then receive a response. Once you have submitted feedback, TCO will formally acknowledge the receipt within 5 working days. TCO’s objective is to respond to the feedback within 20 working days. TCO does not share feedback outside of the company. Feedback lets us respond to concerns, grievances and consider suggestions that help TCO become more responsive to our local communities. The Process is confidential. We urge the community to provide us with your feedback, together with contact information that will allow us to respond directly to you. TCO provides as many options as possible to make it easy to provide feedback. Community members can fill out a TCO feedback form at drop box locations in Atyrau, Kulsary and Tengiz at the following locations:

  • TCO Head Office, Atyrau;
  • FGP-WPMP office in the building of Worley Parsons, Atyrau;
  • PSN office, Atyrau;
  • Atyrau Regional Universal Scientific Library named after G. Slanov, Atyrau;
  • Settlement 'Shanyrak', building 1, Tengiz field;
  • Settlement 'Shanyrak', shift hall, Tengiz field;
  • Canteen PTSHO, Tengiz field;
  • Administration building of the akimat of the Zhylyoi region, shift camp, Tengiz field;
  • Shop 'Izbaskan', shift camp, Tengiz field;
  • Employment Center of the Zhylyoi region, Kulsary;
  • Building of the Department for the Coordination of Employment and Social Programs, Kulsary;
  • Hotel 'Shanyrak', Kulsary;
  • Clinic 'Interteach', Kulsary;
  • FGP-WPMP Office, Aktau;
  • The building of the akimat of the village of Bautino, Tupkaragansky district, Mangistau region.

Additionally feedback can be provided by email, toll-free telephone line at 8-800-080-84-88