Tengizchevroil is a leading company that produces oil, gas and associated products that fuels the modern economy. Our history is closely interlinked with the rise of an independent Kazakhstan.
TCO maintains a leading position in the field of industrial safety in terms of such standard indicators as lost working days incidents and the rate of reported incidents.
TCO continues to achieve industry-leading safety results in standard industrial safety measurements such as Serious Incidents and Total Recordable Incidents.
The Contractor Health, Environment and Safety Management Process establishes clear accountabilities, ensures active engagement of contractors, and provides a consistent CHESM program to eliminate health, safety and environment (HSE) incidents and injuries involving contractors.
The requirements and activities included in CHESM process are focused on defining TCO expectations regarding contractor HSE performance, the qualification of contractors and the monitoring of contractor performance against expectations.
Contractors involved in activities presenting risks to workforce and process safety are subject to CHESM Qualification to evaluate HSE Management Systems and ensure adequate safeguards are in place and functioning before starting work at TCO Facilities.
TCO's work is guided by two key principles: do it safely or not at all and there is always time to do it right. Every employee of TCO and its Business Partner companies is responsible for making sure that work can be safely started. Each person has the right to temporarily suspend or completely stop any work if unsafe behavior or conditions are observed. The TCO Safe Work Practices Management Group, together with other teams, ensure that Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) guidelines and procedures are continuously implemented and maintained.
Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) has reached a significant milestone at its Future Growth Project (FGP), by safely initiating production of crude oil at its new Third-Generation Plant (3GP) at the Tengiz oilfield.
On the eve of the New Year, two specialized road equipment were purchased and donated as it was requested by the Akimat of Zhylyoi district: “SDLG” grader and “KADEME” sweeper, as well as the minibus to Family Support Center.
Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) has reached a significant milestone at its Future Growth Project (FGP), by safely initiating production of crude oil at its new Third-Generation Plant (3GP) at the Tengiz oilfield.
On the eve of the New Year, two specialized road equipment were purchased and donated as it was requested by the Akimat of Zhylyoi district: “SDLG” grader and “KADEME” sweeper, as well as the minibus to Family Support Center.