Tengizchevroil is a leading company that produces oil, gas and associated products that fuels the modern economy. Our history is closely interlinked with the rise of an independent Kazakhstan.
TCO maintains a leading position in the field of industrial safety in terms of such standard indicators as lost working days incidents and the rate of reported incidents.
TCO continues to achieve industry-leading safety results in standard industrial safety measurements such as Serious Incidents and Total Recordable Incidents.
The Contractor Health, Environment and Safety Management Process establishes clear accountabilities, ensures active engagement of contractors, and provides a consistent CHESM program to eliminate health, safety and environment (HSE) incidents and injuries involving contractors.
The requirements and activities included in CHESM process are focused on defining TCO expectations regarding contractor HSE performance, the qualification of contractors and the monitoring of contractor performance against expectations.
Contractors involved in activities presenting risks to workforce and process safety are subject to CHESM Qualification to evaluate HSE Management Systems and ensure adequate safeguards are in place and functioning before starting work at TCO Facilities.
TCO's work is guided by two key principles: do it safely or not at all and there is always time to do it right. Every employee of TCO and its Business Partner companies is responsible for making sure that work can be safely started. Each person has the right to temporarily suspend or completely stop any work if unsafe behavior or conditions are observed. The TCO Safe Work Practices Management Group, together with other teams, ensure that Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) guidelines and procedures are continuously implemented and maintained.
TCO discussed working with local suppliers and procurement of Kazakhstani goods, works, and services (GWS) at the annual "Kazneftegazservice – 2025: Oil and Gas Construction and Engineering" conference held in Atyrau. The conference was attended by around 300 participants, including representatives from 150 Kazakhstani companies as well as foreign firms from Qatar, the UAE, and Russia.
TCO Deputy General Director Konilkosh Suesinov emphasized the importance of open dialogue with business partners and highlighted TCO’s contribution to Kazakhstan’s economic development. In his speech, he spoke about TCO’s significant investments in the local market. In 2024, payments to Kazakhstan exceeded $11 billion, while expenditures on Kazakhstani GWS surpassed $3 billion.
“One of TCO’s key focus areas is supporting Kazakhstani manufacturers. In 2024, the company, in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, developed a strategy to enhance local content, aimed at improving support mechanisms for local producers, introducing price tolerance in tenders, and conducting tenders exclusively among domestic companies if three or more local producers are available,” said Konilkosh Suesinov.
During the forum, Rafael Alaña, TCO’s Strategic Sourcing Contracts Manager, presented TCO’s 2025 annual contracts and procurement plan, outlining the company’s anticipated GWS needs. He provided detailed insights into TCO’s tendering process, which includes mechanisms to support Kazakhstani manufacturers, the implementation of "KC Tolerance" (price preference), and the introduction of non-standard contract mechanisms such as off-take agreements, early tenders, and long-term contracts in exchange for investments.
“One of the key changes in our policy is the introduction of a ‘local tenders only’ approach for certain product categories, which will help increase Kazakhstani content. We also implement a trial order system to assess the compliance of local manufacturers’ products with TCO requirements. In addition, the company is actively incorporating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) into long-term contracts to encourage contractors to enhance localization,” emphasized Rafael Alaña.
He also discussed the simplification of financial qualification criteria for local suppliers and the introduction of contract mechanisms with mandatory localization commitments. These measures open new opportunities for domestic producers and lower barriers to entry into TCO’s supply chain.
Tengizchevroil remains committed to sustainable development principles and aims to make a significant contribution to Kazakhstan’s economy. In 2024, the share of Kazakhstani content in GWS reached approximately 70%.
TCO discussed working with local suppliers and procurement of Kazakhstani goods, works, and services (GWS) at the annual "Kazneftegazservice – 2025: Oil and Gas Construction and Engineering" conference held in Atyrau. The conference was attended by around 300 participants, including representatives from 150 Kazakhstani companies as well as foreign firms from Qatar, the UAE, and Russia.
TCO Deputy General Director Konilkosh Suesinov emphasized the importance of open dialogue with business partners and highlighted TCO’s contribution to Kazakhstan’s economic development. In his speech, he spoke about TCO’s significant investments in the local market. In 2024, payments to Kazakhstan exceeded $11 billion, while expenditures on Kazakhstani GWS surpassed $3 billion.
“One of TCO’s key focus areas is supporting Kazakhstani manufacturers. In 2024, the company, in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, developed a strategy to enhance local content, aimed at improving support mechanisms for local producers, introducing price tolerance in tenders, and conducting tenders exclusively among domestic companies if three or more local producers are available,” said Konilkosh Suesinov.
During the forum, Rafael Alaña, TCO’s Strategic Sourcing Contracts Manager, presented TCO’s 2025 annual contracts and procurement plan, outlining the company’s anticipated GWS needs. He provided detailed insights into TCO’s tendering process, which includes mechanisms to support Kazakhstani manufacturers, the implementation of "KC Tolerance" (price preference), and the introduction of non-standard contract mechanisms such as off-take agreements, early tenders, and long-term contracts in exchange for investments.
“One of the key changes in our policy is the introduction of a ‘local tenders only’ approach for certain product categories, which will help increase Kazakhstani content. We also implement a trial order system to assess the compliance of local manufacturers’ products with TCO requirements. In addition, the company is actively incorporating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) into long-term contracts to encourage contractors to enhance localization,” emphasized Rafael Alaña.
He also discussed the simplification of financial qualification criteria for local suppliers and the introduction of contract mechanisms with mandatory localization commitments. These measures open new opportunities for domestic producers and lower barriers to entry into TCO’s supply chain.
Tengizchevroil remains committed to sustainable development principles and aims to make a significant contribution to Kazakhstan’s economy. In 2024, the share of Kazakhstani content in GWS reached approximately 70%.